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Hello World!


Details of setup UI

You can import your image file to capture.
Click or drag directly to use functions

Image of the setup detail
  • A: open an image file
  • B: select the model size
  • C: image, can be dragged to move
  • D: handle
  • E: size rectangle(no functions)
  • F: name form
  • G1: switch handle to rotation or scale(version 1.1.0 or later)
  • G2: change the orientation
  • G3: all scaling bar(make easier to see)
  • H: build a model
  • H: done or cancel setup

before you build

You must do the following at least.

  • import an image file(A)
  • decide the size of model(B)
  • fill the space of size rectangle with the image(E)
  • input a name for the model(F)

after you build

Once Model has been built completely,
the image disappears and small texts are shown below name form.

Then you can try next model or finish creating.

Image of the complete text


You should make sure of models in Inventory UI.
You can click each UI to call the model to the scene.

Model remains in Reprepre until you click delete button
or uninstall Reprepre.

Image of the delete button