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Hello World!



Create Model

  1. Open Setup UI
  2. Select an image file
    (.jpg file only for now)
  1. Choice standard canvas size, e.g. F8 or S20...
    (Japan standard only for now)
  2. Capture the image
  3. Name it, and build
../image of the setupUI Image of the setupUI


Place Model

  1. Select a scene in Location UI
  2. On Inventory UI, select a model you created
  3. Put a model on the wall
Image of the setupUI
Image of the setupUI
Image of the setupUI


Save your Showcase

  1. You can move the model in the display view
  2. Decide the position of one or more models
  1. Name your Showcase, and save
  2. You can call your Showcase using Location UI
Image of magenta color model
Display view
magenta color model enables movement
Image of Showcase name
Showcase is displayed on the right in LocationUI