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Hello World!


take a model

Illustration of touching

Ouch, Stop violence!
Please don't worry, this is an image of the distance to a model.

Cube needs to come close enough to touch to take a model.
It's okay even if Cube is on the model.

Then push E key!

Cube releases the model if you push E key again.
Please handle the model gently!

put a model on the wall

By pressing E key, you can also put on the wall.

You need two things.
One is the distance enough close to the wall. The other is the angle against the wall.

But, you don't worry about the distance.
Because it is enough just to make sure of showing up "display UI" .

Here is an overhead view of the wall.

Three cubes of the image have a model already.
The direction of each arrow is the front.

  • A: enough distance, but the angle is too shallow
  • B: best, this is ideal. Hit E key!
  • C: good angle, want to be more close
Illustration of onwall

switch to the Display view

Display view gives you the place management of models.

You can click display UI to switch view when there are models on the wall.

In Display view, clicking a model switch color to magenta instead of the model falling.
"magenta model" enables movement.

  • W key: move up
  • S key: move down
  • A key: move left
  • D key: move right
Illustration of megenta model